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How I can Help during CoVid 19

Our world is very different now and has been for several weeks. Most of us are under a "stay at home" order. As we are safe at home, many people are getting up close and personal with their living spaces. And for some they are not liking what they see! I had a client say to me "how did I not see this before?!?" The busyness of life kept us from seeing what was right in front of our eyes! Although I am not able to do in home consultations, I am still here for you! Online is the answer! If you are in need of, for example, some furniture ideas, color changes or a more functional layout contact me and we will get together...virtually! Fill out a contact sheet or email me at and we'll get started!

If you are local and would prefer to wait for an on site consultation, contact me and we will get it on the calendar. Oh, and start making that list of what your want to change!

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