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Do you have it? Do you know what it is for you? I believe that EVERYONE should live their passion! And live your life with passion!

Live each day with a passion for living, for giving, for doing and for sharing. And even more than that make your work your passion. If you are not sure what your passion is, I suggest you listen to yourself. When you speak with others, what do you speak of with passion? If you could do anything, what would that be? At 75 years of age, what might you regret not doing or not trying?

With those thoughts in mind, I hope you have come closer to discovering your passion. Now what? The next step is determining how you can incorporate that into your life. Be it a hobby, a business or a field you volunteer in, find a place for it in you life. It will benefit you and those around you! I am living my passion and it has added a richness to my life that I am so grateful for.

Live without regrets. Give it a try! What is the worst thing that could happen?

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